Category: new consciousness

#Inspired by Life

Inspired Today I feel inspired, today I cherish life in a new way – today I vote for life, for love for acceptance of my self being truth, being authentically me. I, as are you, are unique, we are all specifically special. Moreover we will never be repeated, not till the end of time, not…
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New Free 5 min #Stress relief – #Zen Hypnosis – Guided #Meditation

Just released a ‘5 min Stress Relief‘ guided meditation – a preview from my forthcoming collaborative album with Kinga Oldham named ‘Zen Hypnosis- Anxiety Release Guided Meditation‘. This is a soft and inspiring guided meditation embracing the principles of NLP, Hypnosis, Zen and mindfulness meditation. Creating a peaceful and instant stress relief exercise to increase…
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Epigentics – Wearing your designer Genes

Here is the link to the interview with my fantastic other guests Mae-Wan Ho (The Institute for Science in Society) and Charan Surdhar Epigentics is the new science understanding of genetics and how the environment effects the expression of those genes. Epigentics literally means ‘Above the genes’. This understanding that environmental factors (including thoughts and…
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#Zen #Mindfulness & Mindlessness #Meditation Workshop – The YURT – Hale Barns

Yes, another fantastic opportunity to kick start the new year with a meditation immersion – 10am till 5pm  – Cost £60 The last meditation mindful and mindless workshop in December was a complete sucess – here is what people said about it – “The day was fabulous. It was split up using a mix of…
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#Motivation, #LIfeCoaching & Spiritual Life Coaching -Duality of Consciousness

This is one of my latest talks on NLP, Motivation, self esteem, empowerment and the collective unconscious. What motivates you? What is your passion for life? What makes your heart sing? These questions are very rarely asked as we find ourselves living in a society that seems to disregard our own intuition, our own passion.…
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#Ego – Our Persistent Personality Prison

The Ego trap The personality is The Lord of this world and that means the ego too. People often talk about the ego without reference to te personality. In actual fact the ego is the central ground between the yin and yang of our perception of ultimate selfishness and ultimate altruism. As Freud put it,…
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