The Principles & Philosophy
The teachings of ‘evolve’ incorporate some fundamental principles at its core. These fundamentals have been derived from observations of nature’s mechanisms. Let’s look at some of the key messages in the book evolve. These include: Holism, Acceptance, Surrender, Practice and Doing Your Best
The holistic nature of the Universe is not in question. Holistic basically means the entire, the whole, complete, without absence of anything. Things can only be what they are because everything else is not them. In other words, nothing is anything without everything else. So the entire picture must be explored if you want to shift the picture you are looking at. There is no point just changing the mental body if the physical body is damaged. Or changing the spiritual energetic system if the psychological system is twisted.
So the first principle is to explore the nature of things through all parts of them. Realise that you are complete only with every other part of your. This is why the book evolve is perfect for everyone, business workers through to gypsy hippies. It concerns everyone in every field.
We see the fundamentals of this World being expressed in the nature of duality. There are always at least two things. The Chinese referred to these as Yin and Yang. We can see the effect of this duality fundamental throughout our own constructions, for example: Introvert/Extrovert, Good/Bad, Pretty/Ugly, Hot/Cold, Love/Hate, destruction/construction. These concepts and their impact have significant meaning for us Humans. We all want to be around ‘Good’ things and avoid ‘bad’ things. This in itself is natural, but is it nature? Nature is ultimately accepting in all its action. It really doesn’t mind what goes on. If you think about the ultimate expansion of nature, ‘The Universe’, do you think it cares (if it was capable) if a star explodes (destruction) or is created (construction). To the ultimate there is all as it’s supposed to be, you cannot swim your way out of the swimming pool.
As such there is a power, nay a freedom within the principle of acceptance. Acceptance of course says nothing about whether you like something or not. You can still have your duality opinion of something and still accept it. Like the alcoholics have to accept their condition before they can move on, so too much you accept the situation before you can free yourself form the pain of it.
One must give up the fight. As my friend Karma Muffet says “You have to let go to receive”. This principle has been known for generations to strategists in war. Bruce Lee knew it well as he coined the term “The art of fighting without fighting”. Most people believe that they must keep pushing, keep resisting, keep fighting. In doing so they trap themselves in the very thing they are trying to fight against. What you resist persists. You are the feeder of the issue that you wish you never had. Once you get this principle you can move again from a new state of freedom, allowance and surrendering yourself backwards into your truth.
Practice makes perfect – or is it practise? Yes and the debates over ‘practice’ and ‘practise’ went on and on. I talk about this so much in my book that it become a topic of hot debate amongst my editors. So in America it seems there is no such thing as ‘practice’ and instead it is ‘practiSE’ as it is defense, offense and pretense – ‘se’ vs ‘ce’. In real English [sic] we distinguish between the verb and the noun. Practise in British English is a verb such as ‘The Doctor would like to practise medicine in Manchester’. Practice is used as a noun as in ‘The doctor would like to build up his practice’. I know it’s not an easy distinction and I’m quite bored with it.
So whichever way you choose to spell it, it’s an important part of your life. We are creatures of Habit – we practice these regularly. We are experts in our own habit systems. I recently had a discussion with my neuroscientist sister as to whether addiction was the same part of the brain that controlled habits. The discussion was inconclusive but something in me feels that our habits are just mini addictions to our belief systems. Anyway the important thing is that we spend a life time practicing habits that might not support our happiness and balance. We must work equally hard to counter educate ourselves. To free ourselves from our addictive habit behaviours. So as with meditation, yoga, healthy eating, conscious language – we must practice often to make the learning become habitual. There is no real way around this – you have to put in your energy to make shifts become fixed.
Doing Your Best (free from Guilt)
This is the final agreement form the book ‘The Four Agreements’ to ‘Always try your best!’. It’s the one I have some contention with. The idea by suggesting we need to make an agreement to do our best is that sometimes we don’t do our best. I’ll explain why this is NOT the case. So take a scenario you had in your life where you had a decision to make. You would look at the tools you have, all the things you know and from there judge which is the best choice to make. You never look at all the pros and cons and then select the shit option. NO! You select the best you can at the time given the tools you have. As such you always try your best and can’t do anything else. Furthermore the idea of guilt is that you should have or could have done better. This is obviously not the case if you did your best with what you had accessible at the time of making the decision. As such guilt is null and void as you couldn’t have done any better than you did, because you tried your best. Congratulations, you’ve won!