evolve is a comprehensive handbook for the courageous seeker of truth, the ‘edgerunners’ as Markabadi calls them.
It’s a fun, easy to read, blend of science and spirituality. A modern guide that integrates a serious message in a light-hearted manner. evolve offers practical tips and tools to increase balance and wellness, supported with well referenced science. It crosses cultural boundaries and explores the fundamentals of Human functioning, psychologically, physiologically and energetically. evolve offers practical tips and tools to increase balance and wellness, supported with well referenced science.
evolve explores topics such as social interaction, sleep disturbances, relationships, parenting, exercise, diet, toxins, drugs, new science, physics of energy medicine, work, stress, meditation and enlightenment. Above all evolve speaks to the heart and the mind about the benefits of surrendering resistance to anger, fear and pain. Allowing you to breathe again and realise for yourself, your own perfection at BEing you.
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Markabadi is also a Holistic Therapist and Spiritual Teacher pushing the foundations of integrated wellness. Please explore this site to see how Markabadi might be of service to your greatest wellbeing.
Mark has a range of DVDs and Audio meditation CDs newly available for download. Click any of the images for more details.