Category: acceptance

#Zen #Mindfulness Meditation & Free Audio Class

I’ve just put up a FREE hour Zen Mindfulness Meditation class on youtube and below for you to download. This class is a blended mindfulness meditation as well as a Zen acceptance based meditation class. This area i always embrace in my work. It’s about letting consciousness be both attentive but not focused, aware but…
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#Motivation & #UniversalConsciousness – Less is More

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] On Tuesday night I gave an integrated lecture on Motivation and how Universal consciousness might interact with different factors that effect inspiration and sense of life purpose. Emotional wellbeing is one of the main features that effects motivation and weather a coaching client will carry out the exercises and change their limiting beliefs. I…
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#Mindfulness Vs #Mindlessness – The Art of Meditation

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]To be mindful or not to be mindful, that is the question? So it occurs to me, teaching a mindfulness based acceptance meditation 4 times a week, along with my own meditation practice, people are using this latest mindfulness craze to get lost inside the experience of the body itself. Although this form of mindful…
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#Yoga #Meditation Embodied Presence Day Workshop – Manchester 24th Nov

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]24th of November 2013 – Manchester Yoga Central, Victoria Warehouse, Manchester, UK A one day intensive Yoga and Meditation workshop held in Manchester with Lisa Jones and Mark Abadi. This Embodied Presence Immersion Day is designed to land you back into BEing. Helping you to recode your body and mind into one Surrender yourself…
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#Gravity of Consciousness – Where does yours lie?

There are plenty of people who talk about gravity with regards to the terrible new film with George Clooney and Sandra Bullock, thankfully I’m not! Think about the term ‘your center of gravity’ and how that feels to you. Where does your center lie? Where do you feel it in you body? Now where do…
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#Ego – Our Persistent Personality Prison

The Ego trap The personality is The Lord of this world and that means the ego too. People often talk about the ego without reference to te personality. In actual fact the ego is the central ground between the yin and yang of our perception of ultimate selfishness and ultimate altruism. As Freud put it,…
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