Tag: consciousness

Epigentics – Wearing your designer Genes

Here is the link to the interview with my fantastic other guests Mae-Wan Ho (The Institute for Science in Society) and Charan Surdhar Epigentics is the new science understanding of genetics and how the environment effects the expression of those genes. Epigentics literally means ‘Above the genes’. This understanding that environmental factors (including thoughts and…
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#Zen #Mindfulness Meditation & Free Audio Class

I’ve just put up a FREE hour Zen Mindfulness Meditation class on youtube and below for you to download. This class is a blended mindfulness meditation as well as a Zen acceptance based meditation class. This area i always embrace in my work. It’s about letting consciousness be both attentive but not focused, aware but…
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#Gravity of Consciousness – Where does yours lie?

There are plenty of people who talk about gravity with regards to the terrible new film with George Clooney and Sandra Bullock, thankfully I’m not! Think about the term ‘your center of gravity’ and how that feels to you. Where does your center lie? Where do you feel it in you body? Now where do…
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#Ego – Our Persistent Personality Prison

The Ego trap The personality is The Lord of this world and that means the ego too. People often talk about the ego without reference to te personality. In actual fact the ego is the central ground between the yin and yang of our perception of ultimate selfishness and ultimate altruism. As Freud put it,…
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#ParadoxOfConsciousness – Manifesting Dreams & Quantum Determinism

Paradox of Consciousness – Where self manifested creativity and quantum determinism collide Zen Buddhism identifies the paradoxical notion that you cannot search for the answer because the very search traps you inside the idea you can control the thing bigger than you. One must let go of the need to know, while still exploring. This…
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Murder, Death, Kill – World Vegan Day – Killing and Consuming Life?

Today is November 1st and is World Vegan Day. It’s also christian All Saints day which in contrast to Halloween is about celebrating the light and good side of life. As I spoke about in another article, Halloween is about embracing the darker side of life, the evil side (which is of course not evil…
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