
Hot Cereals Breakfast

Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit.

Science of #EnergyMedicine – The Future of Health Lecture

Recently I gave a lecture at the fantastic Gorton Monastery in Manchester, April 2014 on The Scientific Basis of Energy Medicine – I edited the slides into a 40 minute video/audio recording for you to enjoy. Please feel free to embed and share. Energy medicine can also be known as information medicine – it works…
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New Free 5 min #Stress relief – #Zen Hypnosis – Guided #Meditation

Just released a ‘5 min Stress Relief‘ guided meditation – a preview from my forthcoming collaborative album with Kinga Oldham named ‘Zen Hypnosis- Anxiety Release Guided Meditation‘. This is a soft and inspiring guided meditation embracing the principles of NLP, Hypnosis, Zen and mindfulness meditation. Creating a peaceful and instant stress relief exercise to increase…
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#Freedom to Choose is a Trap – #Happiness Imagined & True

Recently I was thinking about choice and if we have any freedom over it whatsoever. I mean everyone hates going to the supermarket and choosing from the 20 different brands of the same washing powder! Do we actually have choice and if so what is the best environment to make these choices within? There are…
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Epigentics – Wearing your designer Genes

Here is the link to the interview with my fantastic other guests Mae-Wan Ho (The Institute for Science in Society) and Charan Surdhar Epigentics is the new science understanding of genetics and how the environment effects the expression of those genes. Epigentics literally means ‘Above the genes’. This understanding that environmental factors (including thoughts and…
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#evolve #Meditation Workshop – London 9th Feb -Advantages

Meditation WORKSHOP Immersion, South Kensington, London, Feb 9th 10am-430 Well here we are again – after another intensive Zen Mindfulness (and mindlessness) meditation workshop in the Yurt. The entire day was spent with courageous students looking more and more deeply inwards. The idea that you get back what you put out is not so valid…
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