Tag: energy medicine

Science of #EnergyMedicine – The Future of Health Lecture

Recently I gave a lecture at the fantastic Gorton Monastery in Manchester, April 2014 on The Scientific Basis of Energy Medicine – I edited the slides into a 40 minute video/audio recording for you to enjoy. Please feel free to embed and share. Energy medicine can also be known as information medicine – it works…
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Epigentics – Wearing your designer Genes

Here is the link to the interview with my fantastic other guests Mae-Wan Ho (The Institute for Science in Society) and Charan Surdhar Epigentics is the new science understanding of genetics and how the environment effects the expression of those genes. Epigentics literally means ‘Above the genes’. This understanding that environmental factors (including thoughts and…
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Energy Psychology & Energy Medicine Online Conference

I’m still online hosting the EME (Energy Medicine) conference blending energy psychology with energy medicine. It is an 8 hr marathon – I think I will schedule in some break next time. 🙂 It has been such a great event so far, What it live and the recorded videos here Here is the schedule: 12:00-…
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Energy Psychology & Energy Medicine Online Conference 11th Jan 2014

Energy Medicine Exchange embraces Energy Psychology – Online Conference January 11th 2014 (12noon EST, 5pm GMT) – To Join and watch live click the above or share this link- http://goo.gl/8h3147 Energy Psychology is becoming a very powerful therapeutic treatment against all sorts of issues. It now has many different forms and blends traditional clinical and…
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Online Free Water Conference & Consciousness -Energy Medicine Exchange

I’m hosting a live Energy Medicine Exchange conference from 5-10pm GMT – Topic this month is WATER – The conference will be broadcast live on google hangouts and then later will be stored on Youtube for your viewing pleasure. Come join us and learn about the dynamics and power of water. There are a fantastic…
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Stormy Weather & Emotional release #ukstorms

The south of the UK is currently being hit with the most powerful storm in decades. The air stream is part of the very moving dynamic of the latitude that the UK finds itself on. The movement of weather is intermittently connected to our own emotional states, just as the movements of the moon is.…
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