Tag: mark abadi

Science of #EnergyMedicine – The Future of Health Lecture

Recently I gave a lecture at the fantastic Gorton Monastery in Manchester, April 2014 on The Scientific Basis of Energy Medicine – I edited the slides into a 40 minute video/audio recording for you to enjoy. Please feel free to embed and share. Energy medicine can also be known as information medicine – it works…
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Epigentics – Wearing your designer Genes

Here is the link to the interview with my fantastic other guests Mae-Wan Ho (The Institute for Science in Society) and Charan Surdhar Epigentics is the new science understanding of genetics and how the environment effects the expression of those genes. Epigentics literally means ‘Above the genes’. This understanding that environmental factors (including thoughts and…
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#Bitcoin – Global greed & curruption of the banking system

Today sees the opening of the first Bitcoin ATM cash machine in a Canada coffee shop. This signals a change in global currency that will sweep through all of our lives. We’ve already seen attempts to unify currency here in Europe, even though the UK refuse to let go of the Great British Pound, there…
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#NoWomanNoDrive – #sexissues – Equality Dead or Alive?

This week finds yet another benefit of social media and the collective consciousness united through the internet. Courageous women who are fighting the female driving ban in Saudi Arabia. Although Saudi Arabia has no written ban on women driving, Saudi law requires citizens to use a locally issued license while in the country. Such licenses…
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